My Favourite Books of 2018

This is going to be the books throughout 2018 that I rated the highest and loved the most. There were sooooo many fantastic books I have read this year and I am so proud of my progress and how many books I managed to get through!

91FZ41RwZzL917AnD4pjfLThe first two books on this list are The Way of Kings and Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson! I absolutely love everything about The Stormlight Archives. I kind of picked up The Way of Kings on a whim earlier this year as I have heard nothing but good things about this series and of course after getting into them I am hooked! I highly recommend anyone who likes fantasy/high fantasy to give them a read as they are just simply AMAZING! Both ⭐️5/5 stars

978140888797433590260The next books are both by Sarah J Maas and they are Tower of Dawn and Kingdom of Ash the last two books in the Throne of Glass series. I absolutely loved these two books! I thought Tower of Dawn was like a breath of fresh air, the new characters mixed with a few of our old favourites in a completely new setting and having this epic conclusion in Kingdom of Ash that I found to be very befitting and deserving of this long, arduous  journey that Sarah J Maas has taken us on! Both ⭐️5/5 stars absolutely loved them!

35707056The next book on my top 10 is Undead Girl Gang by Lily Anderson. This was unexpectedly great! I did see this book all over my feed on Instagram and on booktube and from what I heard of the premise I was intrigued. Then I picked the book up and gave it a read and fell in love with it! Mila is so feisty and true to herself even though it distinguishes her from the rest of her peers. She is an amazing friend who will literally stop at nothing even death to figure out the mystery of her best friend’s apparent suicide. ⭐️4.5/5 stars

51xXXt6Yw2LA Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab I read way back in January and it was the start of this lovely journey into discovering Victoria Schwab’s writing! I hadn’t read any of her books until I picked up the Darker Shade of Magic series and I haven’t looked back since. This magic system was unique and intricately detailed and the plot was highly entertaining and fast paced. Kell was definitely a stand out for me in the series, I loved how endearing he was and the relationship he shared with Rhys was a joy to read! ⭐️4/5 stars

29589074Another book I really loved this year was Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson. I don’t get around to reading a lot of mystery thrillers and when I picked up this book I was just in the mood for something different and this really captivated me. I enjoyed the flashbacks from the time of the kidnapping to present day and how we have a new set of crimes occurring in the same setting. It has you second guessing every character and their motives and really had me turning the pages! ⭐️4/5 stars

51VFrzslYiL._SX329_BO1,204,203,200_The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid is one of those cases where the books really lives up to the hype! This story was beautifully written, highly engaging, fast paced, gripping, with a twist at the end that you just can’t predict. Evelyn as a character is wonderful. She is sassy, cut-throat, yet still relatable. Highly reccomend you give it a read if you haven’t already! ⭐️4/5 stars

186074The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss was simply amazing! This is an epic fantasy novel following the life story of Kvothe. It jumps from present day time where he is retelling his life story to a chronicler and to his childhood and his many hardships and strife he’s had to endure over the years. The world is huge and the magic system is unique and interesting. I fell headlong into this book when I read it back in March and I still find myself thinking about it every now and then. ⭐️4/5 stars

81GINBuWPOLQueen of Air and Darkness by Cassandra Clare was my most highly anticipated release this year and I absolutely loved it! The plot was expansive and adventurous and the characters are complex and diverse. I loved that Cassandra Clare gives us so much representation in this series and incorporates them genuinely into the storyline. This book epitomises everything that I love about the fantasy genre. It ticked all my boxes and if you liked her previous work but haven’t picked up the Dark Artifices series yet I HIGHLY recommend that you do! ⭐️5/5 stars

My Least Favourite Books of 2018

I feel like I had a pretty good reading year. I haven’t rated anything under a 3/5 stars which I think is pretty solid. This is kind of like a part 2 because I did my 10 Lowest Rated Books of 2018 so far a few months back so I’ll try not to double up on those books but feel free to check that one out as well as my feeling haven’t changed on those books either.

So with that being said my lowest rated/least favourite books of 2018 are:

31076583A Court of Frost and Starlight by Sarah J Maas – I think this is mostly my fault, I went into this book thinking it was going be as in depth and plot driven as the other books in the series and being a novella I just didn’t get any of that… It was a little uneventful and there wasn’t as much action or adventure that I was yearning for. So it was a bit average and boring to me. ⭐️3/5 stars

The first three books in the Shatter Me Series by Tahereh Mafi – I had pretty high PicMonkey Collagehopes for this series, when Restore Me came out earlier this year everyone was scrambling to pick it up and were hyping the series up but when I read them it wasn’t as good as what I thought. The premise of the books is really intriguing but the execution didn’t surpass my expectations. Shatter Me ⭐️3/5, Unravel Me ⭐️3/5 and Ignite Me ⭐️3/5

darkest-minds-giveaway-featureThe Darkest Minds Series by Alexandra Bracken – Another series that was super hyped when the movie adaptation came out earlier this year as well as a new paperback set… Again I felt like the premise of the books was super interesting but as I was getting into them I was just bored. I gave the first book a 4/5 as I liked the introduction of the characters and there was a few action sequences that kept my interest piqued but as an overall series it didn’t do it for me. The Darkest Minds ⭐️4/5, Never Fade ⭐️3/5 and In the Afterlight ⭐️3/5

1966969Fire Study by Maria V Snyder – I loved the first two books in the Study Series soo much that I went into Fire Study with those same expectations and unfortunately it didn’t work out for me. There wasn’t anything inherently wrong with this book it just was really hard to finish. There was everything there that would otherwise keep me entertained but the pace of the book was a little slow and I had to kind of force myself to finish it which kind of spoiled the book for me. ⭐️3/5 stars

81SuJQI8uNLEdgedancer by Brandon Sanderson – I liked Lift as a character but after the immensely intricate, convoluted and expansive world of the previous books in the Stormlight Archives I found Edgedancer to be a little too confined and slow paced. I am an epic fantasy lover so I relished reading The Way of Kings and Words of Radiance and I wasn’t as equally thrilled at the end of Edgedancer as I was with those book. ⭐️3/5 stars

The Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy Review

y648I thought this was a solid sequel to The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue!

In this installment we follow Felicity who is currently in Edinburgh trying to find some form of apprenticeship to train to be a physician. However a sudden marriage proposal has thrown her off track and she makes her way to England to try to further her education at a medical school to get her life back together.

I found Felicity to be a very enjoyable character. She I tenacious and driven and isn’t afraid of hard work. I love that we see her strive so hard and fight for what she feels she has earned, despite the fact that she is a woman. I love that Mackenzie Lee has highlighted the plight of woman back in the 18th century. The growth that Felicity undergoes in the plot is wonderful and to see her become more self aware and ok with herself I feel was a great highlight in the story.

Another character I highly enjoyed was Johanna. From her introduction as the societal princess who enjoys parties and dresses and makeup and then to see Felicity’s perception of her change over the course of the book was great. I loved that we see Johanna challenge Felicity multiple times and expose her kind of elitist mentality. The changes in their relationship in the storyline was very well done and I loved how open and honest they were with each other in the end.

Sim was a little bit up and down for me personally. I didn’t really like her for a majority of the book mainly because we didn’t get enough information about her. She was very secretive and pensive for about three quarters of the story. When we finally get her backstory and history about who she is I became a lot more invested in her character and engaged a lot more with her. I thought the relationship between her and Felicity was a little too forced in my opinion. The three girls were already tied together closely by the plot that including that romantic aspect wasn’t really necessary.

This was a very fast paced and action packed with the storyline evolving and changing very organically which kept me turning the pages. I like the little cameos of Percy and Monty they added a lot of witty banter to the dialogue. I thought the story was very unique and adventurous but still has a relevance to present day.

⭐️4/5 stars I honestly didn’t expect to like this as much as I did!

⚡️Harry Potter Series Reread⚡️

img_2564So I’ve decided that it’s high time that I do a reread of the Harry Potter series. It’s been a few years since I’ve read all seven books in full, I usually just reread The Deathly Hallows as it’s my favourite book in the series! So I’ll be starting with this beautiful illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone that I received for Christmas! I’m going to read them outside of my set TBR for every month and I’m thinking these books are just going to be a spur of the moment pick up whenever I’m in the mood for a little magic! 

Happy Reading📚


Leah on the Offbeat Review

9780241331057I actually really enjoyed this. I think it was fact that this kind of just a continuation of the storyline from Simon vs. the Homosapiens Agenda we just get a different fresh perspective.

Leah is bisexual, she has told her mother but none of her friends or peers knows just yet. She has gone back and forth with herself about finally coming out especially since Simon was outed last year. She is very set in her ways but being a senior and having the year coming to a close change is going to forced upon her whether she wants it or not!

Leah is just a super fun relatable character. She’s very self aware and not afraid to speak her mind which I really enjoyed about her. If she thinks someone has said or done something wrong she will speak up and state the facts which not a lot of people would do nowadays so I thought that was commendable. I didn’t really like how she was kind of playing with Wesley’s emotions towards the end of the book though. She didn’t really have that conversation with him that she just wanted to be friends and wasn’t interested in a relationship with him. I just thought that was a little sucky of her to lead him on when she knew he liked her.

Abby kind of got me nerves in this book. I really thought she was playing games with Leah and leading her on subconsciously. I guess I just didn’t like her as much because she was kind of portrayed as being so likeable if that makes sense. I enjoyed Simon a lot more in this book than I did in the last book. I think because he has truly accepted himself and he is just living his best life with his boyfriend and his friends. I kind of have a soft spot for him because he had such a hard time being outed and blackmailed and everything that happened to him, so seeing him so happy and in love was gratifying to read.

Leah’s mum was fantastic I loved her. I thought the relationship she has with Leah is very special. She wants to be apart of her daughter’s life and works super hard to provide for the both of them. She is so supportive and accepting of Leah, which I loved reading as well. It just shows how much she loves her daughter for who she is not based on her sexual preferences.

Again the dialogue and conversations that occur throughout the course of this book is so witty and fun and kept me highly entertained. This was a very quick, easy read but also delved into some pretty heavy themes that added another layer to the plot.

⭐️4/5 stars great companion novel to Simon vs. the Homosapiens Agenda if you loved that book you will love this even more!