September Wrap Up

The month started a little flat for me and I wasn’t all that motivated in picking up any of the books from my TBR so I once again got swept into a romance/smutty series that was just an easy, fun, entertaining read for me. However, the last few weeks of the month I actually really got stuck into my TBR and managed to finish a couple of series off! I was overall very happy with the amount I was able to get through!

Whiskey Chaser by Lucy Score & Claire Kingsley⭐️4/5 stars

The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo⭐️5/5 stars

Sidecar Crush by Lucy Score & Claire Kingsley⭐️4/5 stars

The Flatshare by Beth O’Leary⭐️4.5/5 stars

Moonshine Kiss by Lucy Score & Claire Kingsley⭐️4/5 stars

Bourbon Bliss by Lucy Score & Claire Kingsley⭐️4/5 stars

Gin Fling by Lucy Score & Claire Kingsley⭐️4/5 stars

Highball Rush by Lucy Score & Claire Kingsley⭐️4/5 stars

Aurora Rising by Jay Kristoff & Amie Kaufman⭐️5/5 stars

Stardust by Neil Gaiman⭐️4/5 stars

Percy Jackson and the Titan’s Curse by Rick Riordan⭐️4/5 stars

With the Fire on High by Elizabeth Acevedo⭐️4/5 stars

The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden⭐️4/5 stars

Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson⭐️4/5 stars

The Girl in the Tower by Katherine Arden⭐️4/5 stars

China Rich Girlfriend by Kevin Kwan⭐️4.5/5 stars

Rich People Problems by Kevin Kwan⭐️4/5 stars

The Winter of the Witch by Katherine Arden⭐️4/5 stars


China Rich Girlfriend Review

28503789This was wild!

China Rich Girlfriend continues about 3ish years after the first book finished. Nick has had no communication with his mother and they are in the midst of planning their wedding. Eleanor won’t take no for an answer and when a chance encounter enables her to solve the mystery of Rachel’s father she is able to work her way back into their lives.

This honestly went so much more in depth with the other familial components of the story and we also got a new setting in Shanghai rather than just Singapore. It was nice to see the difference in culture and lifestyle between the two cities. Again this book was just very rich, it went into quite minute details of just how wealthy these families are and how the act accordingly. There were times when I was a little confused as to who belonged to which family and how they tie back into the story but after a while I was able to wrap my head around it!

Once again I really appreciated all the addendum’s and I thought they were a great learning resource and it added a lot of depth to the story, from explaining what certain words mean in the different languages to explaining the foreign dishes and even pop culture references.

I loved the direction the book went with in this sequel. Totally different than what I thought was going to happen and I enjoyed that I was surprised. We are introduced to a whole plethora of new and interesting characters that kept me entertained throughout the story. Collette in particular I was intrigued by. I thought she was a nice contrast to Rachel and also to the other socialites in Singapore. She is a lot more flashy and outspoken and won’t give into to her parents’ wishes. I liked how that story line played out and Rachel was kind of given the last word after everything that happened with her.

I enjoyed the progression of Kitty’s story line as well, even though she doesn’t overlap with Rachel and Nick she doesn’t disappear and I was invested in finding out what happened with Bernard and her daughter. I honestly didn’t pick up any of the signs of what was to come and I thought it was a pleasant surprise and very on point with her character!

I was also highly invested in Astrid and Michael. I really wanted Astrid to stand up to him more and stop relying so much on Stuart. Granted she was really trying to be the perfect wife to him and adjust to his new status and self-worth but the way that he was speaking to her and the fact that her friend was able to notice and point it out to Astrid and she still didn’t really do anything frustrated me!

All in all I was sucked right back into the story line from the start and at every turn I was surprised and entertained by the wild antics that these uber rich Asian families get up to!

⭐️4.5/5 stars funny, convoluted, a whirlwind!

5 Fav Books over 500 Pages

As an avid fantasy reader most books/series are pretty long and I would say the majority are over 500 pages, so I figured why not go through my read list and pick out 5 books that I loved and would recommend that are all over 500 pages!

Red Sister by Mark Lawrence – 500 pages

The way that the story shifts and the revelations really start to come out was so well done, multiple layers of plot lines with different characters with different intentions. Convoluted fantasy books with a multitude of characters and magical elements are my favourite books of all time and this really blew me away!


The Demon King by Cinda Williams Chima – 506 pages

The pacing was very well done and the writing was very engaging. I found I couldn’t put the book down once I started! This really has everything that I love about fantasy, a unique premise, an intriguing plotline and dynamic characters.


Dance of Thieves by Mary E Pearson – 508 pages

The actual story line was fantastic. All of the history of the town and the family and all of the secrets really kept me intrigued and eager to read on. I really made a connection with these characters and I was highly invested in their missions. I kind of didn’t want the book to end, I just wanted to keep reading and find out what’s going to happen next!

Dance of Thieves_FINAL 9.18

The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss – 622 pages

 The world is huge and the magic system is unique and interesting. I fell headlong into this book when I read it last year and I still find myself thinking about it every now and then.


The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson – 1007 pages

This book as a whole is really enrapturing and is not at all difficult to read despite its size. Sure sometimes the overwhelming number of characters can throw you at first, but its so intricately detailed and explained in a way that it all just fits together perfectly. You can really get swept up into the narrative that Brandon Sanderson has created 


The Girl in the Tower Review

51u35TlTZbL__SX327_BO1,204,203,200_The Girl in the Tower continues pretty much straight after The Bear and the Nightingale concluded. In this sequel we follow some different perspectives, Sasha and Olga who are both currently living in Moscow and we continue on with Vasya’s journey after she fled home on Solovey’s back.

I like that we get more insight into the court at Moscow and the power struggles that The Grand Prince has to deal with however, for me I am not the biggest fan of political fantasies so that element of the story kind of dragged for me.

The pace of the story started off really fast, which I enjoyed, it really sucked me right into the book. The whole mystery behind the bandits and who was behind the fires and the missing girls was intriguing and held me attention. I like that we followed Sasha’s perspective and followed his journey in finding the bandits and then when we finally got to Vasya’s perspective we had some context.

Sasha was a little up and down for me. I didn’t quite know what to feel about him. I thought he was integral to the story line but he didn’t really do anything remarkable that cemented his status for me. Sure he was a good strategist and the Grand Prince really held him in high regard but I didn’t like how he doubted Vasya at every turn. I thought since he was the closest to her at the start of the series and being a priest he would be a little less judgmental.

Olga I didn’t quite warm to in this book either. I thought she was really narrow-minded when it came to her sister and she was quite combative with her at the start. I don’t understand how she can’t just accept who Vasya is as a person, I realize she probably thought that her sister had grown out of her wild ways but upon realizing that she hasn’t I don’t get why she wouldn’t embrace her. I feel she has been molded into that one sided perspective of how a woman should behave hidden away in her tower. She is ultimately trying to protect her family but she could of used a little empathy for her younger sister.

The magical side of the story though is what really prevailed for me. We got a little further into the mystery of Vasya’s grandmother which I LOVED! That was one of my hopes that the books would delve more deeper into who Tamara is and what drove her to Moscow all those years ago. The twist with Kasyan completely blindsided me. I had a feeling he wasn’t who he made himself out to be, especially with the timing of meeting Vasya and then her being driven out of the town by bandits trying to capture her. I didn’t anticipate how much of an impact he was going to make and it was highly entertaining.

The budding romance with Vasya I didn’t like at first, however it is growing on me. I have a feeling the next book will the focus of that given the title and I’m hoping I’m not left feeling disappointed. I already have a few predictions in mind and it will be fascinating to see whether or not I’m right!

⭐️4/5 The magical/fantastical elements really saved the book for me!

🌼Spring TBR🌼

This week’s Top 10 Tuesday is books on my Spring TBR. There are quite a few new releases I’m hoping to get to this spring, as well as finishing off a couple series I have started!

Ninth House by Leigh Bardugoprobably my most highly anticipated new release for the second half of the year I am super excited to get stuck in!


Supernova by Marissa Meyer – I really enjoyed Renegades & Archenemies and I am hoping Supernova is the explosive ending this series deserves!


Girls of Storm and Shadows by Natasha Ngan – I loved Girls of Paper and Fire when I read it earlier this year so I am really eager to get stuck back into this world and see what will happen next!


The Shattered Realms Series by Cinda Williams Chima – I absolutely LOVED the Seven Realms Series when I read it earlier in the year and I can’t wait to see whether or not my love for Cinda Williams Chima’s writing will continue on with her latest series.


Middlegame by Seanan McGuire – I haven’t read any Seanan McGuire before and I kind of want my first book to be her latest. The plot really intrigued me and this cover is stunning so I really want to read this!


The Turn of the Key by Ruth Ware – My first and only Ruth Ware has been The Death of Mrs Westaway which was AMAZING! So I want to give her latest book a read before I dive into any of her backlist titles.


Sadie by Courtney Summers – this book has gotten rave reviews in the last couple of years and I want to give it a read to see if the hype is justified or not!
