October Wrap Up

I am super stoked with what I’ve managed to accomplish this month reading wise! I ended up completing nine of the ten books that I had on my TBR for this month as well as one extra from last month that I didn’t end up finishing, which comes to 10 books! And I also completed my Good Reads Reading Goal for the year…so yay me! I have reviews on all the books I’ve read this month so feel free to click on the titles and check them out!

Obsidio by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff⭐️4/5 stars

The Raven Boys by Maggie Steifvater⭐️4/5 stars

Fire Study by Maria V Snyder⭐️3.5/5 stars

The Dream Theives by Maggie Steifvater⭐️4/5 stars

Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Steifvater⭐️4/5 stars

Edgedancer by Brandon Sanderson⭐️3/5 stars

This Savage Song by V.E. Schwab⭐️4/5 stars

Nevernight by Jay Kristoff⭐️4/5 Stars

The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater⭐️4/5 stars

Godsgrave by Jay Kristoff⭐️5/5 stars

Happy Reading📚

Bookish A-Z Tag🏷

Thank you to BUNnerBooky for tagging me!!! 

If you haven’t done this tag yet feel free, they are always so much fun to do!

Author you’ve read the most from: Probably J.K Rowling

Best Sequel Ever: A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J Maas…best in the series!


Currently Reading: Our Dark Duet by V.E. Schwab


Drink of choice while reading: Water or Coffee

E-Reader or Physical Books: I could do with either, but would slightly prefer physical books

Fictional character you probably would have dated in high school: I didn’t really date a whole lot in high school…I did have a lot of crushes though so a fictional character I would have had a major crush on would probably be Kai from the Lunar Chronicles.

Glad you gave this book a chance: Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor – I didn’t like the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series so I put this book off for the longest time, but I ended up loving it!


Hidden gem book: Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson, went into this not really expecting to like it but it was great!


Important moment in your reading life: Mid-August when I decided to start my blog! Made me refocus on why I love to read.

Just finished: Godsgrave by Jay Kristoff (It was AMAZING)


Kinds of books I won’t read: Not that I wouldn’t enjoy them but I never read autobiographies…

Longest books you’ve read: Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson 1087 pages


Major book hangover because of: The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo…this story was so beautiful and entertaining and not what I was expecting. I was not ready for that ending!


Number of bookcases you own: 2

One book you have read multiple times: The Da Vinci Code – Robert Langdon is one of my favourite male fictional characters ever!


Preferred placed to read: My bed!

Quote that inspires/gives you all the feels from a book you have read: Nothing immediately springs to mind…

Reading Regret: No regrets!

Series you started and need to finish: The Thief Series by Megan Whalen Turner, I read The Thief and really enjoyed it but haven’t continued on yet.

Three of your all times favourite books: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, The Name of the Wind & Words of Radiance


Unapologetic fangirl for: Kaladin from The Stormlight Archives!!!

Worst bookish habit: Dog-earing my books

X marks the spot: start at the top left of your shelf and pick the 27th book: The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson


Your latest book purchase: The Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy


Zzz-snatcher book (last book that kept you up way to late): Ironically it was Nevernight by Jay Kristoff… I was entranced!


Godsgrave Review


91UQ-+Pv3RLThis was absolutely amazing. It was honestly everything that I love about fantasy! An immaculately detailed world, characters that I love/hate/love to hate, a magic system that is unique and intriguing… WONDERFUL!

Mia really had me guessing for the majority of this book. Some decisions that she made or actions that she took really had me going ‘hmmm, I don’t know about that’. Then she would turn around and redeem herself and I would fall back in love with her again! Some stages she is completely hostile and staunch and totally without empathy and other times she is compassionate, loving and loyal. It is so entertaining to read and she has really shined in this story for me.

I still don’t know whether or not I trust Ashlinn yet. I can’t help but remember everything that happened in Nevernight and how she betrayed Mia and the Red Church. Something about her throws me off a little and I was surprised that Mia decided to believe her. I am still on the fence about it even though I feel she has more than made up for her mistakes by helping so faithfully. I think it’s mostly to do with Tric. I really liked him with Mia, I thought their relationship was genuine and pretty honest in their circumstances and for Ash to then kind of swoop in and replace him kind of stoked my ire for her. I’m not sure how I feel about their relationship either. I think it kind of makes sense being in the situation they are in at that time, but it’s just not my favourite.

Speaking about Tric for a second OH MY GOODNESS! I knew it… I just had a feeling because his body was never recovered that his arc wasn’t complete. And for Jay Kristoff to have my thinking throughout the whole book that the case was closed and he wasn’t coming back was cruel but sweet at the same time. I loved that twist and it really cemented my need to pick up the next book when it comes out next year.

The plot was just so cleverly constructed and super detailed, I was engrossed right from the start. I liked the introduction of the new characters, I thought they were all fresh and interesting. The fact that they all had a detailed back story added so much depth and meaning to the storyline. The scope of the world has grown so much as we learn where eveyone is from and how different yet similar they all are.

I honestly thought this was a duology and when everything happened at the end I was like there’s no way that this is done, I still have so many questions and I need answers!

⭐️5/5 stars moving its way up my list of all time favs!


IMG_2061After finishing Nevernight I definitely want to jump straight back into this story and continue on with Godsgrave. I thoroughly enjoyed Nevernight and the narrative that Jay Kristoff has managed to weave is amazing. Super original and creative and I loved mostly all of the characters. There are definitely so many unanswered questions that I’m hoping will all be fulfilled in this next and final installment of the duology. I am so excited to continue reading and seeing what is going to happen next. Will Mia get her vengeance; will she discover the true extent of her powers? I need to know all of the details so I will be jumping into Godsgrave as soon as possible and I look forward to giving all my thoughts and opinions after I complete it!

Happy Reading📚

The Raven King Review


51LlOUzjzYL__SX329_BO1,204,203,200_This took a turn to the unexpected!

I really couldn’t guess what was going to happen in this final book of the series.

There was a really slow build-up of pace in The Raven King. There was kind of just a whole lot of drama and confusion in the first half of the book and then everything kind of happened all at once. It was a little unclear for me in certain sections. I had to kind of go back and reread paragraphs or sentences because I thought I had missed something…but I hadn’t and yeah that kind of threw me off a couple times.

That being said I did still really love the storyline. How these characters have progressed from The Raven Boys til now has been great to read. I think Blue has really come into her own in this book. She is refusing to accept the future she sees for herself and is trying to work out a way to change the outcomes she eventually sees for herself and I think that’s very relatable. Even amidst all of this magic and drama and danger she is still thinking about her future and what she wants out of life and that’s admirable.

Gansey is just one of those characters that are always so much fun to read. He is so multifaceted and complex and yet his wants and needs are so simple. I find he’s managed to become more self-aware and present in this last book than the previous. We get some really emotional scenes from him and he’s a lot more honest and open with Adam and Ronan in this book and that’s something that I loved about this series was their camaraderie.

Can I just talk about Ronan and Adam for a second because I was really caught by surprise! When we were reading from Ronan’s perspective there were ways that he phrased things while he was in Adam’s presence that kind of had me questioning whether or not he like liked him, but I didn’t get any reciprocal feelings back from Adam so I was kind of just like no… they’re just best friends. But then BAM! I loved this! I thought it was super cute and we see a side of Ronan that we have never seen before. He’s a lot more open and honest but still maintains that unapologetic bad boy vibes that he portrays constantly! It didn’t really compromise their friendship in any way either it just felt right!

The Raven King was definitely a lot darker than the other books, the tone was a lot more serious at times and the intrigue and anticipation grew steadily throughout. I was still deeply immersed in the book and highly invested in the characters and the plot to the point where I couldn’t put it down! I loved all of the books in the Raven Cycle and it definitely evolved from where I thought the plot was going to go which kept me interested in the series as I read them.

⭐️4/5 stars, captivating, entertaining, unexpected, what an ending!