March Wrap Up

I had an overall pretty great reading month for March. Definitely a diverse bunch of books, didn’t love a lot of them as much as I thought I would but I’m still very happy I was able to complete what I did!

Gallant by V.E. Schwab⭐️4/5 stars

The Paris Apartment by Lucy Foley⭐️4/5 stars

All’s Well by Mona Awad⭐️2/5 stars

Blade of Secrets by Tricia Levenseller⭐️3/5 stars

Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn⭐️3/5 stars

Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo⭐️4/5 stars

The Final Girl’s Support Group by Grady Hendrix⭐️3/5 stars

Velvet was the Night by Silvia Moreno Garcia⭐️2/5 stars

The Last House on Needless Street by Catriona Ward⭐️4/5 stars

Tender is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica⭐️4/5 stars


✨Grishaverse Reread✨

I really enjoyed my reread of Shadow and Bone, I couldn’t really believe how short the book actually was and how quickly the plot unfolded. The only thing I am really missing is some more of the history of the Grisha’s and the different kinds. We get a little bit of an explanation but not enough for me to completely understand. It has been about 4/5 years now since I’ve read these books so I’ve forgotten a lot and I wasn’t given a lot to work with here. I think it’s easy to fall for the Darkling and I am still lowkey a stan but his shift when I first read these books really took me by surprise and I was here for it for sure! It’s a little unrealistic how quickly Alina believes Baghra but other than that I really enjoyed this book. Not quite a 5 star even though the nostalgia was high but this was thrilling, entertaining and everything I love about fantasy books!

21st Century Books I Think Will be Classics

As per this week’s Top Ten Tuesday prompt these are the 10 fantasy series I think will be referred to as classic fantasy in the years to come!

The Mistborn Trilogy by Brandon Sanderson

A Darker Shade of Magic Series by V.E. Schwab

Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo

Green Bone Saga by Fonda Lee

Harry Potter Series

The Stormlight Archives by Brandon Sanderson

Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb

Book of the Ancestor Series by Mark Lawrence.

The Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss

The Gentleman’s Bastard Series by Scott Lynch

Thrift Store Haul

I had to share my recent accumulation of books that I have purchased from various thrift stores in February and March! I spent maybe $25 on all of these books total which is wild to me. I’ve been finding lately books have gotten so much more expensive so this is a great way to add to my collection without breaking the bank. This is a mixture of books I have already read but don’t own and books I’ve heard about and want to get to some time in the near future!

Velvet Was the Night Review

Mexico in the 1970s is a dangerous country, even for Maite, a secretary who spends her life seeking the romance found in cheap comic books and ignoring the activists protesting around the city. When her next-door neighbour, the beautiful art student Leonora, disappears under suspicious circumstances, Maite finds herself searching for the missing woman—and journeying deeper into Leonora’s secret life of student radicals and dissidents.

I don’t quite know how I feel about Maite yet. She is very down on herself and her lifestyle yet won’t take the steps to make them better. She knows she can apply to other jobs and yet the notion that work could be fun doesn’t even cross her mind. She complains about her appearance and her clothes yet won’t actively try and make things any better, it’s quite frustrating to read honestly.

Elvis was kind of in the same boat as Maite. Unsatisfied and unsure about what he wants to do with his life. At least he wasn’t constantly complaining about everything like Maite was but he was still just not that interesting a character to follow.

I was invested in finding out what happened to Lenora and the way Maite was pulled into this world by chance. But when the plot unfolds and we find out what happened and why Lenora was hiding it wasn’t all that surprising or inspired I feel.

I didn’t really care about the political climate to be totally honest and that was such an integral part of the story so it really set me up for failure from the start. I didn’t read the description before starting this book and typically historical fiction or books surrounding politics don’t interest me so this was a learning experience for me.

⭐️2/5 stars I was bored and uninterested…