August Wrap Up

This month was a little bit average in term of the amount of books I read, but I did enjoy each of them a lot so it kind of makes up for it I guess! I have high hopes for September though so hopefully I am on the upswing again.

In August I read:

Fable by Adrienne Young – ⭐️4/5 stars

Namesake by Adrienne Young – ⭐️4/5 stars

All the Tides of Fate by Adalyn Grace – ⭐️3/5 stars

Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty – ⭐️4/5 stars

Sightwitch by Susan Dennard – ⭐️3/5 stars

The Currently Reading Tag

I did this tag over a year ago now and thought it would be fun to do it again and see if any of my answers differ!


I’ve actually recently started with 2 books at a time. One physical and one ebook!



During the day, either when I’m at work or out and about and I have a spare 5-10 minutes I can just pull my book up on my phone or computer and read the eBook. At night when I’m in bed I will usually switch over to the physical book!



Lately I haven’t even been using bookmarks, I’ll either dog ear the page I’m on or just lay the book down on the open pages.

i dog ear my pages


Usually on my bed or on my nightstand (same)



Lately during my reading slump it’s just whenever the mood comes over me, could be any time of the day.


Depends on how I’m feeling about the book. If I’m invested and I know it’s a quite short read I will probably just end up finishing it in one sitting, otherwise could be anywhere from 1-6 hours.



Yes, I always end up damaging the dust jacket otherwise; I kind of throw my books around a lot



Laying down, either or my side on on my back!



No I will leave it in my room usually on my bed


This depends as well, usually after a sitting and I put the book down I will update my Goodreads but if I forget or am too tired to I will wait and just update when I finish the book!


✨Witchlands Series Reread✨


I think similar to my first experience reading this book it was a great insight to a lot of the lore and historical aspects of the Witchlands and the history of the magic. Even though this was quite short I feel like this book really laid the foundations for the rest of the series. Finding out about Eridyisa and how she was a sightwitch and the doors she created and the 12 paladins was very interesting and I was very much engaged in her diary entries. I wasn’t as engaged with Ryber’s point of view as what I probably should have. Again super interesting seeing all the other sightwitches being called and her having to delve into the mountain on her own to find out the cause. But once she goes down there it was just a little difficult for me to actually envision the whole scenario. I highly appreciated all of the illustrations that were added in, they were illuminating and gave me an idea of what was actually chasing her through the mountain. If this was a full length novel that really went in depth about sightwitches and how Ryber found them and a whole comprehensive storyline I think I would of definitely loved this a lot more than I do now.