Library Haul

This month’s library haul is quite exciting! There are a few titles I’ve been highly anticipating and a couple leftover from last month that I am still quite excited to get to.. hopefully I end up actually reading a few of them lol

5 Favs under 500 Pages

Around this time for the last few years I’ve been posting 5 of my favourite books over 500 pages but I’ve found this year I’ve been drawn to a lot more shorter books and novellas. So I figured why not post 5 of my favourite shorter books that I would highly recommend to you all:

Into the Riverlands by Nghi Vo – 112 pages

This is such a engaging and entertaining way to learn about the other characters and still get to hear the different tales.

What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher – 176 pages

The overall pacing was very well done. Though not a lot happens for about 3/4 of this book I still felt compelled to continue reading and figure out what was going to happen next and what was actually going on!

Tender is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica – 211 pages

This book was just very uncomfortable to read but was a wild.

Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke by Eric LaRocca – 120 pages

This genuinely made me feel sick and when I have such a visceral reaction to a book I can’t help but rate it higher. Disturbing, strange and not what you would expect!

Where the Drowned Girls Go by Seanan McGuire – 150 pages

I think this book in particular my favourite in this series. Cora feels a lot more relatable as a character and overall the plot and pacing were still quite fast but highly engaging. For being a novella I think there was the perfect amount of context, mystery and thrills!

Last, Now, Next Book Tag

I seen this tag over at dipinandreads and just had to give it a go!


  • Link back to the original creator @ Shivakshiiifyblogs.
  • Show gratitude to the person who tagged you.
  • Mention these points in your post.
  • Tag as many bloggers as you want.
  • Have fun!

The Return of the King by J.R.R. Tolkien

Yes! It’s been about 5 years since I read this book and it was everything I remembered and more.

Absolutely! It is a little hard to get into, Tolkien’s prose takes a bit to get used to but the audiobook was a great way to take the story in.

Grave Peril by Jim Butcher

Since I’m still in the midst of my slump I wanted something quick and entertaining and easy to get through and I’ve found the Dresdan Files always comes through for me!

Hopefully just a day or two

I’m in a fantasy mood I think!

Short reads for sure!!
