November Wrap Up

I had a pretty good reading month for November. I completed nearly all the books on my TBR so I am happy about that! I had a little bit of an up and down month though, there were a few books that I really loved and a few that I really struggled to finish. I had to kind of push myself to read which makes me want to not read at all, so it was a bit of a pain. I have reviews on all the books I read in the month of November so feel free to click on the titles to check them out!

Our Dark Duet by Victoria Schwab – ⭐️4/5 stars

The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken – ⭐️4/5 stars

Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J Maas – ⭐️5/5 stars

Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi – ⭐️3/5 stars

Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi – ⭐️3.5/5 stars

Never Fade by Alexandra Bracken – ⭐️3/5 stars

They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera – ⭐️4.5/5 stars

In the Afterlight by Alexandra Bracken – ⭐️3.5/5 stars

Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi – ⭐️3/5 stars

Two Dark Reigns by Kendare Blake – ⭐️4/5 stars

Happy Reading📚


Restore Me Update

IMG_2187So I had every intention of reading Restore Me this month and completing the Shatter Me series but I honestly don’t want to anymore. There were sooo many people hyping it up and saying its one of their all time favourites and I’ve found it’s quite a staple in the YA community but its definitely not what I expected.  I was very underwhelmed by the first three books and now any excitement or need to finish has fizzled out. I have a lot more books on my TBR for the rest of the year so I will move on to those and hopefully my urge to finish Restore Me will rekindle in the new year!

Happy Reading📚

Two Dark Reigns Review

y648I really enjoyed this!

Because I marathoned both Three Dark Crowns and One Dark Throne earlier this year it took me around the first 100 pages to get acclimated to the world again. Once I was situated back into the plot I demolished this book!

Two Dark Reigns picks straight up in the storyline with Katharine reigning over Fennbirn with Pietyr by her side. Arsinoe and Mirabella have made it safely to the mainland with the help of Billy and are trying to carve out a life for themselves there but the island beckons.

I am loving the relationship that we see between Arsinoe and Mirabella and how that has grown and developed over the course of the books. I am also enjoying having Billy thrown into the mix and him having to deal with his mainland issues as well as the abdicating queens of Fennbirn. 

I don’t fully know how I am feeling about Katharine yet. I kind of hate her and then I think about her upbringing with the poisoners and how she has always been destined to either kill or be killed and I can understand why she’s made some the decisions she has. So I’m kind of in two minds about her at the moment.

I don’t trust Pietyr at all, especially after he pushed Katharine into the Breccia Domain. He said he had her best interests at heart but that’s always made me wonder how far he is willing to go. Especially after he propositioned Madrigal without Katharine’s knowledge.

Everything that happens with Jules and Emilia and the rebellion wasn’t my favourite of everything that happened. I think the cause of most of it is Emilia. I didn’t particularly like her character. She was a bit too pushy for my liking. I did enjoy learning more about Jules and the prophecy about her legion curse and seeing it in its full grandeur after it was unleashed.

There was a lot more history about the island and how the mist was created which I thought added a lot more depth to the story. It was nice to have a bit more understanding about the world and the backstory of some of the superstitions of the island.

This series is so captivating. The premise is so dark and mysterious and the storyline that Kendare Blake has managed to concoct is fantastic. I didn’t know that there was going to be another book in this series, I thought it was just going to be a trilogy so I am kind of excited to continue on and see where the story will go next. There are a lot of questions that have been left unanswered and I cannot wait to see what is going to happen next!

⭐️4/5 stars highly entertaining, dark and twisted!

Ignite Me Review

Ignite_MeI thought this was a solid ending; it just didn’t really excite me though or have me on the edge of my seat.

This is the third novel in the series and it kind of left me underwhelmed. I haven’t really built an emotional connection to any of these characters and I think that’s why I didn’t really have any outstanding emotions after I finished the book.

Ignite Me focuses on the aftermath of the war. The Reestablishment won and now we see Juliette siding with Warner to kill Anderson and restore peace to the world. She finds a few who survived the attack including Adam and she now is forced to face the truth and ultimately choose which brother she wants to be with.

The only thing I really actually enjoyed in the book was Juliette’s friendship and witty sparring with Kenji. I like how their relationship has grown so much over the course of the three books and how he has opened up and given so much of himself. I also like the fact that Juliette is so raw and honest with him, I feel like most of her conversations with Kenji should of happened with Adam that way she could of explained the situation a lot more better and caused less grief on both their parts.

I just feel like she handled the situation wrong and Adam had a right to feel and react the way he did, sure he went a bit overboard, but I felt like she just didn’t care about his feelings and was a bit selfish. I get that she has grown and matured and become more self assured but I feel like she completely disregarded their history and cut him off. I think she was mean and very in your face about her new burgeoning relationship with Warner and that kind of made me like her a little less.

I do still enjoy Warner in this book though. He has stayed pretty much constant throughout the series we have just delved a bit deeper into his history and he has shown a bit more of himself. Having everything explained added a lot of context to his actions and really painted a different picture of who he is as a character, which I enjoyed.

I am a bit in two minds about this book. It was a little slow in some sections and then felt a bit overly rushed in others. We don’t have many different settings and it became a little stagnant for me. For what I think was supposed to be the conclusion to a trilogy I felt it was definitely lacking in oomph. I’m not quite sure what Restore Me has to offer but I’m still waiting to be wowed.

⭐️3/5 stars just a bit lacking for me…

Author I’ve Read the Most of in 2018

So I was scrolling through my Goodreads and I realised that there is one author who without a doubt I have read the most of this year and that is Sarah J Maas. I only really discovered her books through Booktube as they are highly popular and people love to review her work. To be honest I felt a little bit out of the loop as so many people talk about her books and the characters and who they ship and I had no idea what anyone was talking about so I had to pick them up and see what the deal was. I’ve found that a lot of people either don’t enjoy a majority of her books/characters or they completely love them. I think I’m a part of the love them side as the average rating I’ve given for all her books is around 4/5 stars which is pretty high for one author! 

All of the Sarah J Maas books I’ve read this year includes:

The ACOTAR Series – A Court of Thorns and Roses ⭐️4/5 stars, A Court of Mist and Fury ⭐️5/5 stars, A Court of Wings and Ruin ⭐️4/5 stars and A Court of Frost and Starlight ⭐️3/5 stars


The Throne of Glass Series – Throne of Glass ⭐️4/5 stars, Crown of Midnight ⭐️4/5 stars, Heir of Fire ⭐️4/5 stars, Queen of Shadows ⭐️4/5 stars, Empire of Storms ⭐️4/5 stars, The Assassins Blade ⭐️4/5 stars, Tower of Dawn ⭐️5/5 stars and Kingdom of Ash ⭐️5/5 stars


 I don’t really go into books to analyse and critique every single detail or plot point. I want an interesting premise with a entertaining storyline and unique, diverse characters in a fantasy setting. Which is exactly what Sarah J Mass gave me every time and I really enjoyed my journey.

Happy Reading📚