Bookshelf Book Tag

I’ve seen this tag floating around the blogosphere and had to give it a go!

I have three bookshelves!

Between 280-290 books

Right now it’s in complete chaos!

The oldest book that I’ve personally owned is probably my paperback edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

The newest book on my shelves would be Bila Yarrudhanggalangdhuray by Anita Heiss

The shortest book is probably Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire

Fantasy for sure!!!

I’ve posted pics of my shelves before but I haven’t done an in depth tour of my collection

I got the 18th book on shelves which is Starsight by Brandon Sanderson the second book in the Skyward series. This was a great continuation to this series. Brandon Sanderson really took the foundations that he laid down in Skyward and continued to build depth and layers to the story that is just so entertaining and enthralling to read!

No I don’t like decorations on my shelves I like to let the books speak for themselves!