Bookoplathon Wrap Up

As I said in my TBR post whenever I was in the mood to pick up a book I rolled and moved around the board and picked a book that corresponded to the prompt I landed on. For this particular readathon I only did 5 rolls, I was having a little bit of a slumpy month and I didn’t want to force myself to pick up a book just because it fit whatever I landed on. I did a pretty good job matching what I was actually interested in reading to what I landed on so I am pretty stoked with my results and this readathon. I thought it was a really fun, unique concept and I will definitely be participating in any future rounds. My rolls were: 8-9-5-8-5

Foiled Cover – A Song of Wraiths and Ruin by Roseanne A. Brown

Community Shelf (Read a book that matches the current season) – The Memory of Babel by Christelle Dabos

Chance – An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir

5 Star Prediction – Blood Heir by Amelie Wen Zhao

Friend Pick – The Language of Thorns by Leigh Bardugo