Goodreads Reading Goal

I hit my Goodreads goal for the year last week! I did not expect to have finished this amount so quickly in the year and I am super stoked and surprised to have already read 80 books. My recent obsession with audiobooks is 100% the reason I have been able to finish so many books already and I excited to continue on with this momentum!

Goodreads Choice Awards Best Fantasy

Every year it seems that I’ve read less and less of the nominees for the Goodreads Choice Awards in the fantasy categories even though it is my favourite genre. This year in the adult category I’ve read 3 of the 20 which makes sense since I haven’t been prioritizing a lot of the fantasy books on my TBR which I want to change in the coming year. I think in the next month I want to try and get to at least two more of the nominees that are on my TBR and I would love to try and complete at least the top 10 books that are announced next year! For the full list of the nominees click HERE!



Goodreads Choice Awards 2021

Since I haven’t been reading as much as I have wanted to this year the YA Fantasy/Sci Fi category is the only category where I’ve actually already completed more than one of the nominees. I have no intention of actually finishing all of the other 15 books in this category before the deadline but I think I will try to read all of the books over the coming year and then do my own award before the 2022 round!



Goodreads Reading Challenge Update

Since we are in June (wtf) I figured it was a good time to check in and see how I’m going with my reading challenge and stats for the first half of the year. At this stage I have only completed 29 books and Goodreads says I am 14 books behind schedule if I want to complete the challenge whereas last year at this time I had already completed 67. I am honestly not that worried about completing the reading challenge, even though in the 4 years I’ve been on Goodreads it would be a first. I am just trying to get out of this reading slump I’ve been in for the majority of 2021. I think I am on the tail end though and I am getting more and more in the mood to read so fingers crossed for that! So far this year I have completed 9747 pages as opposed to last year where I had already read 27,598! So yeah I have some catching up to do, but I have some really good books on my TBR and I am excited to get stuck in and read!

Goodreads Was Wrong Book Tag

I seen this tag on Way Too Fantasy and I just had to give it a go!!

1. What is the highest rated book that you gave a low rating? (Sort your books in Goodreads based on Average Ratings and find the highest rated book you gave a low rating).

Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi – average rating is 4.38 I gave it ⭐️3 stars

2. What is the lowest rated book that you gave a high rating? (Sort your books in Goodreads based on Avg Ratings, in reverse order, and find the lowest rated book you gave a high rating).

Genuine Fraud by E. Lockhart – average rating is 3.30 I have it ⭐️4 stars

3. What is the most popular book you disagree with the avg rating? (Sort your books in Goodreads based on number of Ratings, and find the first book you disagree with the avg rating)

The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood – a little overhyped I gave it ⭐️3 stars it has an average of 4.12

4. What is the least popular book you disagree with the avg rating? (Sort your books in Goodreads based on number of Ratings, in reverse order, and find the first book you disagree with the avg rating)

Permanent Record by Mary H.K. Choi – I didn’t really like this book I gave it ⭐️2 stars and the average rating is 3.44

5. Choose two books that have an average rating of 3/5 stars but you gave a higher rating.

Well Played by Jen Deluca – average rating of 3.53 I gave it ⭐️4 stars

Wilder Girls by Rory Power – average rating of 3.54 I gave it ⭐️4 stars

6. Choose two books that have an average rating of 3/5 stars but you gave a lower rating.

Sex and Vanity by Kevin Kwan – average rating of 3.35 I gave it ⭐️2 stars

The Kingdom of Back by Marie Lu – average rating of 3.72 I gave it ⭐️2 stars

7. Choose two books that have an average rating of 4/5 stars but you gave a lower rating.

Sightwitch by Susan Dennard – average rating of 4.01 I gave it ⭐️3 stars

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern – average rating of 4.03 I gave it ⭐️3 stars

8. Choose two books that have an average rating of 2/5 stars but you gave a higher rating.

I haven’t read any books since I’ve been on Goodreads that are below a 3.12 average

9. Do you tend to agree or disagree with GR average rating and do you use GR as a guide for books you want to read?

I would say overall absolutely.. the majority of my rating coincide with the average! I will typically look to see what the average rating is before I start a book, but it doesn’t sway my opinions at all.