My Favorite Bookmark

This may be a little polarizing…. when I seen the prompt for this week’s Top 10 Tuesday was to pick out my favourite bookmarks, I couldn’t help but cringe a little as I honestly don’t really use bookmarks at all, I dog-ear a lot of my books. I do have quite a collection of bookmarks that get sent when I purchase books but I never use them. I will either dog ear my books or I just lay the book down wherever I am on the page I’m currently on and then leave it there until I come back to it. I know some people are quite funny about dog earring books and trying to keep their editions pristine, but the way I see it books are meant to be read, and a little wear and tear doesn’t affect me at all. I just think it shows how well loved a book is!


6 thoughts on “My Favorite Bookmark

  1. Dog earing a book doesn’t bother me in the least. I’ve never done it, mostly because as a kid, the majority of my books came from the library, but if you own it? Do what you want with it. I’m also very pro-laying the book down and praying the cats don’t decide it needs to be on the floor. Hahaha.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!


  2. If it’s your book, do what you want with it, right?

    I personally like to keep (most) of my books looking nice. There are a few I have written in though. There are some books I’ve bought collector’s first prints of years after they came out and I wouldn’t think about doing that to! Or my books from the 1800s…


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